PayPal Payments


How does it work?

  • Go to Request Payment page
  • Select the PayPal option from the Rewards Page and select amount of redemption as shown. 
  • Payments processing can take up to 10 business day from date of request.  Longer timeline can occur due to volume of requests, holiday, or other reasons but we always strive to have that request processed as soon as we can! 


Verification Process: 



Members will need to verify their profile information on InboxDollars and the information on their PayPal account match 'exactly' in order for the request to process. 

For example: Name

  • Your name on InboxDollars:   Susan K. Member 
  • Your name on PayPal:  Susan Member 

If the name is not exactly the same on both accounts then your payment request for PayPal is not able to process.  

For Example: Mailing Address 

  • Your mailing address on InboxDollars:  12345 Anywhere Street 
  • Your mailing address on PayPal:  12345 Anywhere St

The mailing address must be an exact match to allow PayPal to verify and accept. If it is not the same, the PayPal system will not allow the request to go thru. 

The same is true with your email - the email on your InboxDollars account must be the exact same email on the PayPal account. 

In addition, PayPal requires that each account not only have a verified email but that you have a BANK Account verified on the PayPal account or a Bank Charge Card verified on the PayPal account in order to process your account. 

If you are not able to verify your account with PayPal per the PayPal requirements, please reach out to a PayPal representative for further assistance.



 There are 3 things you must do:


#1  YOUR NAME. Your First and Last Name on InboxDollars MUST MATCH EXACTLY Your First and Last Name on your Paypal Account. (Case sensitive too!)

Check how your Paypal Name appears here:

This where you can see your Paypal Name.... Make sure it matches how you entered it on InboxDollars.

If they don't match, you need to edit them to make them match. (Case sensitive) 



#2  YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. Your InboxDollars email MUST MATCH your Paypal email address. (Case sensitive) 

You can check what Paypal email(s) you use here:

If you don't see your InboxDollars email listed (see flashing circle below), you will need to add the email you use for InboxDollars. You can add more than 1 email to PayPal, so don't worry.




Yes, for your safety we need to make sure we are depositing funds into the right account. This is usually the step that most users get stuck on, but don't worry it's easy enough to figure out.

Your Paypal account needs to show a status: "Confirmed" after you link it your bank account (See the image below for what it looks like)

You can check that your Paypal account is confirmed here:

If you don't have a bank account added (and confirmed), you will need to click on the 'Link your bank account' option in Paypal and follow those steps.  This may take a few days on their end as they have their own verification process. When I did it, they deposited a few pennies in my bank account and I had to confirm the exact amount the next day.



After you have reviewed and fixed these 3 PayPal requirements the first time, receiving rewards is effortless moving forward. If you need more assistance, you can always reach out to Customer Support for more assistance. 

 Once your payment is processed any and all inquiries regarding your PayPal account payment would need to go to PayPal directly.