In order to guarantee your purchase earns you the credit & reward due, please follow these steps.
1. After logging into your account, browse through the list of stores provided in the Shop & Earn section and click on the store that interests you.
2. Once you have selected the store, be sure to check the "Special Terms" listed. Some have coupon codes or some have flat % cash back. Review all details as listed to be sure crediting would apply.
3. When you are ready to make your purchase, simply click on the "Earn Cash Back" or "Get Deal" button. Remember to click the button so you will receive tracking/crediting for your purchase. Once you have clicked on the "Earn Cash Back" or "Get Deal" button, you will be directed away from InboxDollars to the merchant site where you may make your purchase. If you are using any other browser extensions or visit another coupon or reward site during your shopping session, this may prevent your order from tracking back to us.
4. It is very important that you make your purchase right away. The store will only be able to report your purchase for a short time. Try not to close the browser window or navigate away from the store's website. Purchases must be made after selecting the Shop Now link.
5. Coupons or discount codes provided by are eligible for use. Non-InboxDollars coupons may not show as referred by IBD and your purchase may become ineligible for crediting to occur.
6. Members with AdBlock or Adblock Plus installed may experience issues receiving cash crediting. To ensure proper tracking and credit, we suggest disabling your AdBlocker software or whitelisting our site to allow ads to be served to you.
7. Once your purchase has been made you will typically see your credit appear in your account under PENDING within 30 minutes to 7 business days. Approved credits by the merchant will be typically be rewarded within 30 -75 days after the purchase (or, for travel merchants, after your stay is completed).
InboxDollars does not issue courtesy crediting for the shopping features when the proper steps are not recorded or reported by the merchant(s).